Quick Info:
WHAT: Bingo games paying at least $3850 in prizes, Queen of Hearts Progressive Raffle, AND Pulltab games!
WHEN: EVERY Thursday, except holidays.
WHERE: Lex Go Bingo!, 1230 Eastland Dr.
WHY: Lafayette Band Bingo raises more for the band than all other fundraising activities (excluding family contributions) COMBINED.
WHO: Band students and families (~4x/year) as volunteers… Our entire community (every week as players!?)

New Volunteer Introduction
Bingo is a community-focused fundraising activity fully licensed and regulated by the Kentucky Department of Charitable Gaming. The Lafayette Band Association has operated Bingo for decades. We raise more money to support the band from Bingo than from all other fundraising acitvity combined (excluding the family contribution). Reducing our reliance on direct donations from band families depends on the success and growth of our Bingo efforts.
It takes 12-18 volunteers each Thursday to run Bingo. Some adult volunteers work "behind-the-counter" in positions that require a bit of training, and may run from ~5pm until close to 10pm. We have a monthly rotation for these positions (learn more about behind-the-counter positions!).
Most volunteers, though, serve as "pull-tab sellers"--a role that requires no prior experience, and can be filled by adults and/or students! We need ~4 sellers from both 6-8pm and 8-10pm, so get a group of friends together and sign-up (learn how!) to sell pull-tabs for a couple of hours! To help families plan, we have a recommended rotation of band sections covering pull-tab selling each week. You can see this year's pull-tab seller rotation HERE.
To meet our volunteer needs at this ongoing and truly critical fundraiser for the band, we expect all band families to volunteer at Bingo ~4 times each year. Join us for two-hours of pull-tab selling a few times a year, or join our "behind-the-counter" monthly rotation--either way, we need your support!
The Bingo Coordinator contacts all volunteers leading up to dates they have signed up for, and is always available to answer questions. The Bingo hall is smoke-free, there is always paid security on-site, and a Lexington Police sub-station is located in the same shopping center as the Bingo Hall. We provide food from the kitchen at the Bingo hall for ALL volunteers, and we LOVE having new volunteers.
Email the Bingo Coordinator with any questions or concerns!

What is a "Pull-tab"?
"Pull-tabs" ("PTs") are cards just smaller than a playing card that have 1-5 "tabs" on the back that can be pulled open to reveal if the card is a prize winner. Patrons at Bingo purchase PTs for $1 each, and can win prizes of up to $599 from a given PT. PTs come as part of different games, which consist of between a few hundred and a few thousand PTs each. We must sell all the PTs in a game before we can award all the prizes that game pays out. After prize payouts and costs to purchase the PT games, the LBA generates about $0.18 per PT sold. We aim to sell at least 16,000 PTs each Thursday. PT sales represent the majority of the "profit" raised for the band each week.
To help students and families plan ahead and connect with friends, we have a recommended section-based rotation for pull-tab sales. You can sign up to help out ANY WEEK, but we lean on each band section in a rotation to fill out our pull-tab seller volunteer needs. The seller rotation is renewed every summer. Here is our current rotation:
Email the Bingo Coordinator with any questions or concerns!

How do I sign-up?
In the BoosterHub app, view the calendar and select the Thursday you'd like to volunteer. Select "LBA Bingo", and scroll down! Find "Pull-tab Seller", and hit "Volunteer" for either (or both!) the 6-8pm "early" slot, or the 8-10pm "late" slot! It's that easy!
As a note, it's important to sign-up to let everyone know you are coming. Otherwise we may work to line up additional volunteers that we don't need! So, please, if you are able to help out (and we'd LOVE to have you!) sign-up and let us know you'll be there!
Email the Bingo Coordinator with any questions or concerns!

About "Behind-the-Counter" Positions
Some volunteer positions a Bingo require a bit of training. For these positions we set up a monthly rotation each "semester"--so a Fall, Spring, and Summer rotation. If you are interested in learning more or joining the rotaiton, please email the Bingo Coordinator!
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